Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Share the Gospel!

For Tuesday, May 28, 2024:

Ephesians 6:19 TLB, Paul writing: “Pray for me, too, and ask God to give me the right words as I boldly tell others about the Lord and as I explain to them that his salvation is for the Gentiles too.

Paul is writing this from prison. He is in chains, yet his prayer is for sharing the Gospel. That’s his primary goal, his ultimate purpose. Remember that Jesus himself commissioned Paul to share the Good News with Gentiles.

We’d expect Paul to be praying for freedom, and perhaps he did at another time, but right now his prayer is for success in explaining the Gospel to the unchurched. That’s trickier than you might suspect. As believers, we tend to use church-like words and church-like phrases, sayings that are meaningless to the unbeliever. When someone first asked if I had “Jesus in my heart,” I had no idea what they were talking about! We not only need to carry the message, but we need to teach it in a way that everyone can understand.

Since believers are all assigned the task of sharing the Good News with all nations, we need to make sure they understand the truth!

Norton Lawellin

Jesus In the City Fellowship

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