Monday, September 24, 2012

To Serve or Not to Serve?

September 24, 2012 Monday Message:

Jesus: “Follow me and be my disciple.” So Levi got up, left everything, and followed him. Luke 5:27b-28

Do you appreciate the oxymoron? You know, those common sayings with funny twists of language that make them appear to contradict themselves. “Jumbo shrimp” is the one everybody knows. “A fine mess” and “military intelligence” come to mind. Oftentimes people use the oxymoron for humor: “Adult male,” “almost exactly,” and “fairly obvious.”

How about this one: “Non-serving Christian.” Pastor Rick Warren teaches that a non-serving Christian is a contradiction in terms – an oxymoron.

Remember that our good works can’t get us into heaven. Humans have been compromised by the devil, but redeemed by Jesus. His sacrifice is the full price – sola Christus – and even talk of you doing something to ensure your own redemption is blasphemy. Jesus did it all.

Having been saved, we then serve – we work - out of gratitude for what Jesus has done. When Jesus called each disciple, they dropped what they were doing and went to work with the Son of man. Jesus forgave them, redeemed them, called them, and they immediately went to work for the kingdom.

What can you do for the Messiah, out of gratitude for all He has done for you?

Norton Lawellin

Mark your calendar – October 7, 2012
Jesus in the City Fellowship and Familia de Fe (Spanish language) will be worshiping together, in the main sanctuary of the Oliver Ministry Building, 27th Street & Bloomington Avenue, 10:30am. Pastor Michael Pilla teaching, Pastor Walter Chuquimia translating. Potluck follows in the gym – bring something to share!

I’ll be on the road for a couple of weeks, so John will lead worship until I return. Join JICF at 10:30am Sunday as Pastor Michael continues our journey through Luke.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Daily Bread

September 17, 2012 Monday Message:

“Give us this day our daily bread.” Luke 11:3

Our God is Jehovah Jireh, God our provider. He knows what we need before we ask, and he still provides for those who never ask. But those who never ask miss out on the relationship they could be enjoying with their creator.

God doesn’t want to only provide for you right now. He wants you to rely on him for ALL your needs, day by day, trusting that he’ll be there for you tomorrow, just as he was yesterday and today.

When the Chosen People were leaving Egypt, wandering on the desert, God caused manna to fall from heaven, day by day. Kept overnight, it would rot and be filled with worms — except (miracle!) on the Sabbath!

Each day, the God of provision sends today’s heavenly sustenance for his people. This shouldn’t be a selfish prayer: “Give ME today MY daily bread.” We ask for provision so that we can share. Most of us already have received OUR daily bread, and a little extra - so pass it on.

Norton Lawellin

Mark your calendar – October 7, 2012
Jesus in the City Fellowship and Familia de Fe (Spanish language) will be worshiping together, in the main sanctuary of the Oliver Ministry Building, 27th Street & Bloomington Avenue, 10:30am. Pastor Michael Pilla teaching, Pastor Walter Chuquimia translating. Pot luck follows in the gym – bring something to share!

I’ll be on the road for a couple of weeks, so John will lead worship until I return. Join JICF at 10:30am Sunday as Pastor Michael continues our journey through Luke.

Monday, September 10, 2012

At MY Church

September 10, 2012 Monday Message:

At MY Church

Years ago, another couple introduced my wife and me to their church. We liked it, continued attending and our children enjoyed their youth programs. We became more and more involved, and made many new friends; but we hadn’t officially joined yet.

Then one day I heard the words come out of my mouth: “I need to stop by my church.” That’s right, I said, “MY church!” Over time, I had developed an ownership point-of-view. I had been transformed from a church consumer into a church facilitator.

I have gradually been shown that I’m not very good at sitting in the pew. If I’m at an event, including a church service, I’m more comfortable teaching, playing piano, singing, adjusting the sound or recording the event. That’s the way God wired me, and those are the gifts God gave me. Someone else should sit in the pew, someone who’s good at it – it’s better that way.

Notice that I used the word, “facilitator.” It’s not the church leader’s job to do church FOR you. Leaders, including pastors, should facilitate — help to enable everyone in their flock to fulfill God’s ministry-call on their lives. In some way, we’re all called to serve. I’ve never seen the term “non-serving believer” in the Bible.

At Jesus in the City Fellowship, we believe church isn’t a spectator sport. We want everybody off the bench and in the game.

Norton Lawellin

Mark your calendar – October 7, 2012
Jesus in the City Fellowship and Familia de Fe (Spanish language) will be worshiping together, in the main sanctuary of the Oliver Ministry Building, 27th Street & Bloomington Avenue, 10:30am. Pastor Michael Pilla teaching, Pastor Walter Chuquimia translating. Pot luck follows in the gym – bring something to share!

I’ll be on the road for a couple of weeks, so John will lead worship on Sunday, Sept. 16, as JICF worships 10:30am. Pastor Michael continues our journey through Luke.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Fill 'er up!

September 03, 2012 Monday Message:

Fill ‘er up – with the good stuff.

Jesus did a lot of healing, relieving sickness and disease for many. As the Gospels begin, they describe in great detail how these healings occurred. People flocked to Jesus, who had become known for this kindness. It became so well-known that in later chapters, is says simply, “Jesus healed those in need.”

If the affliction was caused by an evil spirit, Jesus would order it to cease and desist. We learn that Jesus and evil don’t occupy the same space. If Jesus came to rescue someone, the demon knew him, that he was Jesus of Nazareth, the Son of God, and it was time to leave.

What was true 2,000 years ago is still true today. If a person needs healing, sometimes the best solution isn’t to try to drive out evil; it’s to fill up with more Jesus.

At Jesus in the City Fellowship, we mentor many who are possessed by the demon of chemical dependency. They’ve been trying and failing to drive the evil from their lives. We find the better solution is often to fill them with more Jesus. Then there’s no room for the evil.

We all need to recharge our Holy Spirit batteries from time to time.

Norton Lawellin

Sunday, Sept. 09, JICF worships in the Oliver Ministry building, 27th Street & Bloomington Avenue, 10:30am. Pastor Michael continues our journey through Luke.