Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Perpetual Evangelists!

For Tuesday, May 7, 2024:

Luke 10:16 NLT, Jesus speaking: “Look, I am sending you out as sheep among wolves. So be as shrewd as snakes and harmless as doves.”

Believers have been commissioned by Jesus to spread the Good News! It won’t be easy! Jews didn’t like Jesus-followers drawing people out of their Synagogues. They were stubborn, failing at the First Covenant and unwilling to even consider a New Covenant. The New Covenant involves repentance, forgiveness and a fresh start; a do-over! And Rome, in charge of government things at the time, taught that Caesar had divine powers, that Caesar was a god. That these diverse groups could coexist was somewhat of a miracle!

Into this fray, Jesus positions believes as evangelists. But beware! We are as vulnerable as sheep among wolves. At the time, Israel’s economy was agriculture-based. Almost everyone had tended sheep at one time or another. Everyone understood what would happen when wolves showed up! Shrewdness ensures survival!

Jesus says if the audience is listening to the Good News, keep preaching. But if they reject the redeeming message, shake their dust off your shoes and get out of town. Don’t be angry or mad. Be as harmless as little doves. Don’t ever quit being an evangelist. Simply move on to the next town!

There are sinners everywhere who need to hear the Good News!

Norton Lawellin

Jesus In the City Fellowship

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