Saturday, May 4, 2024

Eternal Inclusion!

For Saturday, May 4, 2024:

Philippians 3:10a NLT: “I want to know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised him from the dead.

The early church, “The Way,” grew by attraction. Those people were sharing everything, loved one another, and were joyful 24/7. People liked what they saw, and wanted “in” on it!

Christ died on the cross, but three days later people saw him up, walking around, and speaking. I too want to be in on that resurrection thing! Jesus ascended into heaven, but promised to return. I’d like to be alongside him. Our lives aren’t bad, but a supernatural life would be even better!

Like Paul, we should all desire to have Jesus living in our hearts. We should hunger for the supernatural power that can raise souls from the dead! We should pray that God would include us in his eternal plans.

Nowadays the local church is our version of “The Way.” We need to be discerning when choosing one. Try to find one that has a high view of the Bible. Find a church that actually does what the Bible says. Find a church that not only has a Bible, but believes it and lives out their lives as instructed by Jesus.

If you like what you see, try to get in on it!

Norton Lawellin

Jesus In the City Fellowship

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