Monday, June 24, 2013

Shout for Joy!

When planning church services is part of your job description, you never get finished. I mean, you plan the songs to fit the message, schedule the band, rehearse the singers, have an awesome worship, but next Monday you have to start all over again!

Some weeks, things just fall into place; other times, it’s a struggle. Some weeks you absolutely love serving; once in a while it’s a burden.

But no matter what happens during the prep, Sunday is always the best. It might be a touch from the Holy Spirit – I don’t know – but when we come into the presence of the Lord, I’m always filled with joy and enthusiasm! Even when things have gone wrong, I just cannot maintain a bad mood while engaged in worship!

This is as it should be. Honoring the Lord is a good thing to do, and should be fun for us to do. God doesn’t want us to come in to His presence and be miserable.

“Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him, singing with joy.” Psalm 100:1-2

Norton Lawellin

Jesus in the City Fellowship (JICF) meets every Sunday at 10:30am in the North end (gym) of the Oliver Ministry Building, 2647 Bloomington Ave., Minneapolis. This Sunday, June 30, Pastor Michael Pilla teaches from Luke 11:14-28 about demons. See you at church!


Sunday, June 16, 2013

We have Hope!

My wife’s uncle, Al Hirsch, went to be with the Lord last week. Our family traveled to console his family in their loss.

Al was a solid Christian when I first met him, and that was about 45 years ago! He lived out his faith every day.

When I was much younger, I thought Al and his family were hopelessly square, not hip, un-cool, probably because of their outspoken Christianity. Nice people, but kinda square. But as my own walk with Jesus increased, I grew in awareness that Al and his family were the ones who really had it all together all along. We grew closer.
In his later years, Al filled his days as a “greeter” at Sam’s Club – but it was more than just that. Al had keys for the store, and servant Al would arrive early to turn on the heat and lights, making sure everything was ready for the rest of the staff. His wife Irene told me that Al made quite a difference in that store. Every customer who came through the door knew Al. And whenever an employee had a religious or moral question, or just needed to talk things over with a friend, Al was always available. He was trusted by all.

Al went to be with the Lord. In heaven there is no cancer; there is no pain, and no one suffers. As Al went from this reality into the next, Jesus greeted him with open arms, saying, “Well done, good and faithful servant.”

Al has Jesus; we have hope.

Norton Lawellin

Father’s Day and the New Hope Tour are behind us, but Jesus in the City Fellowship (JICF) meets every Sunday. This coming week, June 23, Dan Pilla teaches from Luke 11:1-13 about prayer. We gather at 10:30am in the North end (gym) of the Oliver Ministry Building, 2647 Bloomington Ave., Minneapolis. See you there!


Monday, June 10, 2013

Spiritually Curious

“The crowds found out where Jesus was going, and they followed him. He welcomed them and taught them about the Kingdom of God, and he healed those who were sick.” Luke 9:11

Jesus had sent his disciples out to heal those who needed healing, to cast out demons, and to preach about the Kingdom of God. Now they had returned, and Jesus wanted to spend some time with them, choosing a quite place in Bethsaida. This didn’t work for long.

Word was out about Jesus. Nowadays we sing a song about this, calling Jesus, “the Famous One, the Famous One.” A New York City public relations firm would envy the size of Jesus’ following, and the persistent pursuit of his followers, especially with no TV, no Internet, no Facebook and no Twitter. The entire ad campaign was simply disciples and word-of-mouth: “Son-of-God speaking today – 9AM sharp – don’t miss it!” And 5,000 men and their families showed up!

People are spiritually curious when the Holy Spirit has opened their spiritual eyes. We’ve all sung the song, “Open the Eyes of My Heart.” Not the eyes on my physical face, but the eyes of my spiritual heart.

When people find out that I work for a church, they often have a question or two. I have personally seen these encounters spark new Bible studies and small groups, and increase church attendance. Not because of MY great evangelistic skills; it’s because once the Holy Spirit has paved the way, spiritual appetites are insatiable. It’s a God-thing.

Norton Lawellin

It’s Father’s Day this Sunday, and Jesus in the City Fellowship (JICF) is a great place to start the day. Pastor Michael Pilla teaches Jesus’ parable of the Good Samaritan from the Gospel of Luke. We gather at 10:30am in the North end (gym) of the Oliver Ministry Building, 2647 Bloomington Ave., Minneapolis. See you at church!


Monday, June 3, 2013

In Your Light

June 03, 2013 Monday Message:

“No one truly knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him.” Luke 10:22

When God realized that all humans had fallen short and would continue to do so, He sent His Son Jesus to ransom mankind. Therefore it’s the Son who will open the eyes, mind and heart of a non-believer, and allow him to see the gifts God has offered. Mankind cannot see heavenly things through his own spiritual blindness; the Son must first choose him and open his spiritual eyes.

With open eyes and a clear picture of the truth, mankind can still choose to say, “No.”

Consider the man in Luke 9:59-60 who wanted to follow Jesus, but chose to delay discipleship until he buried his father. Jesus said, “Let the (spiritually) dead bury their own (physically) dead.” (Parentheses mine) Think about it – Following our Lord Jesus would be something of substance, something with eternal ramifications. And while burying the dead, especially your father, would be a good thing to do, on God’s agenda it should be AFTER #1: Follow Jesus. Jesus says, “Your duty is to go and preach about the kingdom of God.” Substance before circumstance.

In Your light do we see light. Psalm 36:9

Norton Lawellin

Jesus in the City Fellowship (JICF) meets at 10:30am every Sunday. We’ll continue with the Martha and Mary story in Luke Ch. 10. We gather in the North end (gym) of the Oliver Ministry Building, 2647 Bloomington Ave., Minneapolis. See you at church!