Tuesday, November 14, 2023

Benevolent Leadership!

For Tuesday, November 14, 2023:

John 4:9 NLT: “The woman (at the well) was surprised (when Jesus spoke to her), for Jews refuse to have anything to do with Samaritans. She said to Jesus, ‘You are a Jew, and I am a Samaritan woman. Why are you asking me for a drink?’

Aren’t you tired of all the prejudice in our world, people hating each other for no good reason? In this account, Jews and Samaritans didn’t get along. Jews considered Samaritans “unclean.” Samaritans worshiped a creator God, but on their own mountain, not in Jerusalem. Samaritans held scriptures that sometimes differed slightly from the Jewish version. In fact, these two group are related, probably cousins. So why not get along? Jesus in fact threw out the old prejudices and traditions. He was determined to strike up a friendly relationship with this woman, and so he did!

In 1887, in a letter to his bishop, Lord Acton wrote, “Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely.” He had good insight into human nature. If someone has enough power, benevolent leadership seems to fall by the wayside. Benevolent Leaders are predisposed to doing good and loving those under their authority. It’s not so bad living in a monarchy if the king loves you unconditionally. God’s Kingdom is like that.

Our capital city recently held an election, and as it turned out, the entire city council is now female! On talk radio, callers suggested a second election, or requiring half the council to step down. Why? There really is no problem. Voters thought that these women were the best candidates. They received the most votes! Do you know what will happen? They’ll serve to the best of their ability, the city will be fine, and there’ll be another election in a couple years.

Male vs female; black vs white; Russia vs Ukraine; Israel vs Nation of Islam; I’m sick of it all. Jesus didn’t live that way, and he didn’t teach us to live that way. I believe the whole world would be better off living as Jesus taught. Let’s all push in that direction!

More tomorrow! Blessings!

Pastor Norton Lawellin

Jesus in the City Fellowship

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