Saturday, July 13, 2024

Next Coming!

For Saturday, July 13, 2024:

1 Peter 4:7a NLT: “The end of the world is coming soon.

When Jesus came to our planet to walk alongside mankind, it created a significant division in earth’s timeline. Things were a certain way before Jesus, and many things changed to a new way after Jesus. The world took note, counting the years after Jesus’ birth as AD, Anno Domini, in the year of our Lord!

By the way, years before Jesus’ birth are BC, before Christ or before Common Era. Those years increase in a negative fashion the further they precede Jesus’ birth, resulting in a somewhat awkward dating system. For example, King David was born approximately 1040 BC, it’s now 2024 AD, so, adding negative numbers to positive numbers, we surmise David was born 3064 years ago.

Prepare to reset your calendars once again. When Jesus returns, what we call the second coming, it will be a mammoth historical event, like nothing ever before seen by mankind. Time will be separated into “the way things were when mankind was living alone,” vs “the way things are in the new reality, after the return of Jesus!”

Many Pastors are preaching that we’re in the end times of the end times, so keep your eyes open. Live your life the best you can, and keep Jesus at the center. Leave room for him in your life, since he’ll be returning soon!

Pastor Norton Lawellin

Jesus In the City Fellowship

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