Tuesday, July 9, 2024


For Tuesday, July 09, 2024:

Luke 4:24 NLT, Jesus speaking: “I tell you the truth, no prophet is accepted in his own hometown.

People remember things. They remember the past. They remember what you used to be like. The citizens of Nazareth may have heard stories of Jesus’ healings and miracles, but on his home turf, Jesus was known as Joseph’s son. Period. Nothing would convince this rambunctious crowd that Jesus was the Son of God!

"If that’s who you claim to be, let’s see some ‘God stuff!’ C’mon, show us a miracle! Heal somebody!”

As we study our Bibles, you may have noticed that Jesus never performs a miracle just because someone wants to see it. Miracles are not for show. Miracles are purposeful, helping those with no other way out of their predicament. Miracles are benevolent, furthering goodness on our planet.

How fickle are these listeners! Because Jesus wouldn’t perform a miracle right then and there, the crowd decided to push him off a cliff! But the crowd did not succeed. Jesus passed right through them and went on his way.

Now THAT’s a miracle!

Norton Lawellin

Jesus In the City Fellowship

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