Wednesday, July 3, 2024


 For Wednesday, July 03, 2024:

1 Peter 3:22 Phillips: “Jesus has now entered Heaven and is at God’s right hand, with all angels, authorities and powers subservient to him.

Q: You’ve told us all about this wonderful Savior. We want to meet him. Where is he now?

A: Jesus told us he’d be returning to our Father (and his Father) in heaven, and now occupies the place of honor alongside God. Everything Jesus predicted has come to fruition, so we would expect this also to be true.

And Jesus told us that he would go to heaven first, to prepare a place for each of the believers. Count on it! Then when we knock on heaven’s door, he’ll be there to welcome us with open arms!

Have the faith to trust the words of Jesus!

Norton Lawellin

Jesus In the City Fellowship

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