Thursday, July 4, 2024


For Thursday, July 4, 2024:

Genesis 1:9 NLT: “Then God said, ‘Let the waters beneath the sky flow together into one place, so dry ground may appear.’ And that is what happened.”

God saw that it was good! Depending upon the quantity, we call the dry ground ‘land, continents or countries.’ Upon its creation, the dry land was all thought of as one commodity, created to be the home of mankind, the humans which God would subsequently create. At that time, there were not separate races, separate countries, separate rulers or wars between them. Sinful mankind divided the land through battles, with the victors becoming kings, monarchs or dictators. Regrettably, much of the world is organized that way nowadays.

It seems that each country wants ‘more.’ China wants Taiwan and everything in the South China Sea. Russia wants Ukraine. North Korea wants South Korea. Israel wants all the land occupied by Palestinians, who wish God had never given the promised land to the Jews.

Jealous over our success, many countries resent the United States. Our Declaration of Independence was a new and unique model for a country. If the world was to adopt it, many dictators would be displaced. They perceive the US model as a huge threat. Freedom and equal opportunity are not available in much of the world, but this is the plan GOD gave US! We should guard our system of government and consider its sacred source. We should honor and celebrate God’s gift to us, and today, Independence Day, is a good day to thank our Lord!

Norton Lawellin

Jesus In the City Fellowship

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