Thursday, June 13, 2024

New Covenant!

For Thursday, June 13, 2024:

1 Peter 2:10 NLT: “Once you had no identity as a people; now you are God’s people. Once you received no mercy; now you have received God’s mercy.”

When God makes a move, it’s oftentimes a BIG move! Let’s look at the Old Testament. God had identified his chosen people. God sent them rules and commandments, so that their lives could go better, so they could be spared pain and misery. It didn’t go well. Turns out that mankind wasn’t very good at adhering to God’s commandments. The world diverted their attention, and people lost sight of the ultimate goal, eternity in God’s presence. Far too easily people lost enthusiasm for their Creator God. God had given mankind a pass/fail system, and basically good people were failing!

Jesus came to earth and brought a New Covenant, God’s revised plan for mankind. It was filled with mercy, forgiveness and second chances, totally unlike the Old Covenant!

Believers are the beneficiaries of God’s mercy. His desire is that none would perish, and God always gets his way!

Norton Lawellin

Jesus In the City Fellowship

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