Friday, June 21, 2024

Creator's Team!

For Friday, June 21, 2024:

1 Peter 2:15 NLT: “It is God’s will that your honorable lives should silence those ignorant people who make foolish accusations against you.”

Peter insisted that rulers are sent by God. Governments are sent by God for the punishment of evildoers and for the recognition of those who do good. Believers should be among those who do good!

Unfortunately, there are a lot of ignorant people in the world. Peter is warning us that they will make false accusations against us and put down our faith in Jesus. When we can prove that our motives are honorable, perhaps others will listen more closely.

There is only one Creator, one deity in charge of designing the universe. Everything and everybody else is ‘created.’ If you’ve read to the end of the Bible, you’ll know that good triumphs over evil. We know who ultimately wins, and we should want to be on the winning team. If we unflinchingly support Jesus, he will have prepared a place for us in the hereafter. Stick with Jesus and claim your spot!

Far too many ignorant people will try to take you off God’s team. Satan is still in business, but God is in charge!

Norton Lawellin

Jesus In the City Fellowship

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