Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Who HE Is!

For Tuesday, July 28, 2020.

Mark 3:8b NLT: The news about Jesus’ miracles had spread far and wide, and vast numbers of people came to see him.”

We rejoice when people are attracted to Jesus. The Great Commission is being fulfilled! But if their focus is on what he can do for them instead of who he is, they will not stick around for long.

The same principal applies to us. I’ve written about Jesus restoring our lives and restoring our land. He IS the great healer! But we’re missing the point if we don’t understand that he is God-in-a-man’s-body, often called the Son of God.

Jesus healed and cast out evil spirits, but the important thing is that he came with a message: “The Kingdom of God is at hand.” The Kingdom of God showed up as a little baby in Bethlehem, so that everyone who believes in him could have their sins forgiven and secure a place in the eternal Kingdom.

Enjoy the miracles – be amazed! But hang on to the promise of salvation. Jesus’ offer is still open!

Pastor Norton Lawellin
Jesus in the City Fellowship
3249 30th Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55406

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