Thursday, July 16, 2020

He Restores My Soul

For Thursday, July 16, 2020.

Psalm 23:2a ESV: “He (the Lord) restores my soul.”

Believers oftentimes sing, “The earth is not my home,” and they’re right! We are from somewhere else, and we are on our way to somewhere else, and that’s what we’re concerned with today. We’re looking at ‘life after this life!’

Following life on Earth, we move on to a different reality. Our earthy bodies are temporary, but our soul, our eternal essence, will live forever. So the question to ask is, “Where will I be spending my time?” The simple explanation is that good people go to Heaven to be with God, and bad people wind up with Satan. Trust me – you want to be with the good group!

Unfortunately, we’ve all made mistakes, done things wrong; the Bible calls it ‘sin.’ And to reserve a room in Heaven, we have to be without sin. We can’t get there on our own, but the Lord provides a way. He restores our souls. God sent his Son Jesus to take care of our sin problem, to be substitutionary atonement for us, so that our names could be on Heaven’s guest list.

When you knock on Heaven’s door, tell them to look for your name in the Book of Life. If Jesus is your Lord and Savior – if you’re saved by grace through faith – your name will be there! They’ll check in the column labeled ‘sin,’ and it will be empty. You can point to Jesus and say, “I’m with THAT guy – the guy just to the right of God!” Congratulations - you made it!

On your own you didn’t have a chance. But the Lord restored your soul – as promised!

Blessings and protection to you all this week!

Pastor Norton
Jesus in the City Fellowship
3249 30th Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55406

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