Friday, September 20, 2024

God's Way!

For Friday, September 20, 2024:

James 1:27 EASY: “If you want to serve God in a completely good way, do things like this: Help children who have no parents and women who are widows. Help them in their troubles. If you serve God our Father like that, he will be pleased with you. Do not let the bad people in this world make you bad too.

James was writing to the 12 tribes of Israel. He might as well have been writing to everyone on the planet! The world had fallen into an “eye for an eye” way of living. Most people only looked out for #1, themselves. This revenge-centered “get even” philosophy left the world a bitter place. I believe Satan had a hand in this.

God designed mankind to live in community, to be kind and helpful to each another. Jesus had to re-teach benevolence, loving our neighbors and looking out for one another. Widows and orphans should never have to worry if they can get by. That they’re included in a community of believers should assure not only their survival, but a good quality of life.

Believers are to love their neighbors, and be kind, helpful and useful. Be joyful and smile. Don’t allow the world to extinguish your fire. Like the song says, “They will know we are Christians by our love!

Pastor Norton Lawellin

Jesus In the City Fellowship

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