Thursday, January 11, 2024


For Thursday January 11, 2024:

Mark 5:23 NLT, Synagogue leader Jairus speaking to Jesus: “My little daughter is dying. Please come and lay your hands on her; heal her so she can live.”

Jesus-and-company had returned to the town side of the lake, where a large crowd quickly gathered around him. One person in that crowd, Jairus, had come with a specific agenda. This local Synagogue leader’s daughter was dying, and he believed Jesus could save her. Restoring a person with a death sentence into a vibrant youth was no small ask, but Jairus believed Jesus was up to the task. That’s called ‘faith.’ We all need that kind of faith, unquestionably believing that Jesus was who he said he was and could do what he said he could do.

Jesus’ reputation preceded him. I’m always amazed that with no radio, TV, newspapers or internet, somehow word spread about Jesus, his healing ability and his miracles. As soon as Jesus set foot on the shore, a crowd began to assemble!

The other unusual piece of this story is that Jairus was the Synagogue leader, and yet here he was begging Jesus to intervene on his behalf. You would expect that he would have his own team praying to his own God, not approach some influencer on the beach for help with something as important as his daughter’s life. Little did he know that in asking Jesus for help, he was indeed praying to his own God! Lord God, fill us all with the unstoppable faith of the Synagogue leader!

Another story takes place within this story, and we’ll look at that tomorrow. But for today, remember that we’re all saved by grace – God’s free gift – through our faith in the Redeemer, Jesus the Christ!

Faith is the key!

Pastor Norton Lawellin

Jesus in the City Fellowship

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