Monday, September 17, 2018

The Good Shepherd

Sept. 17, 2018 Monday Message:

“I envied the arrogant when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.” Psalms 73:3 NIV

Sometimes it seems like life isn’t fair. Sometimes evil prospers and good people have a rough go of it. That seems backwards. Asaph, in Psalm 73, says he almost slipped and lost his foothold when he became envious of the wicked. Here’s what the wicked looked like: “Always free of care, they go on amassing wealth.” Sounds enticing, right?

But our accounts with God are not settled here on earth. When we die, we move on to the next reality. We come to a time of judgment, and here God evens things out. He will separate the sheep from the goats. The goats go into the lake of fire, and the (Christian) sheep get to go with the Good Shepherd, Jesus.

The Bible says that those who narcissisticly cling to their earthly amassings have already received their reward. Typically life ends in fewer than 100 years. But Christians receive a much better heavenly blessing – living in the presence of the Father - which lasts forever and ever!

God always wins!

Norton Lawellin

Let’s worship together! Jesus in the City Fellowship meets next Sunday, Sept. 23, 2018, 3249 30th Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55406, 10:30 AM. We’ll be checking out the minor prophet Amos. See you at church!

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