For Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Psalm 119:10 GNT: “With all my heart I try to serve you Lord; keep me from disobeying your commandments.”
Before becoming a believer, lives were typically filled with character defects. But now that you’re a believer, that’s all fixed, right? Not quite…
We became followers of Jesus, but we never stopped being human. From time to time we still might make the wrong decision or say the wrong thing. We have our standards in place, but we sometimes come up a little bit short, so these are shortcomings.
Today’s scripture confirms our commitment to Jesus and our desire to remain on the right path, and we’re asking God to help keep us there. God has always come through for us in the past, so we have every reason to expect that He’ll help with this too. We look to the God-trend by faith, and that gives us hope!
Blessings to all,
Pastor Norton Lawellin
Jesus in the City Fellowship
3249 30th Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55406