For Sunday, August 23, 2020.
Matthew 5:5 CEV: “God blesses those people who are humble. The earth will belong to them!”
Jesus taught his greatest message, the Sermon on the Mount, which included ‘The Beatitudes,’ defining great joy, extreme blessedness and happiness.
“God blesses the ‘humble;’” other translations use the word ‘meek.’ Don’t get the wrong idea – this does NOT imply weakness. Rather it is strength under control, knowing when to stand up for principle and when to let the little stuff slide. It’s a finely-tuned balance between anger and indifference, both in your relationships with other people and with the Lord.
Jesus said that the first will be last, and the last will be first, implying that if you think you have it all together, you probably don’t, and if you know you need the helping hand of God, you’re on the right track!
While we’re on the subject, let’s clear up the difference between ‘humility’ and ‘humbleness.’ Humility is like the word ‘humiliate,’ where someone is putting you down. But ‘humble’ is where you’re honoring someone else, lifting them up, as in “humbling yourself before God.” You don’t need to put yourself down in order to lift the Lord up!
So today, lift up the Lord! Exalt him! Know that He is God and you are not! Then expect more happiness and joy to fall into your life!
Blessings and joy on this Sabbath day!
Pastor Norton Lawellin
Jesus in the City Fellowship
3249 30th Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55406
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