Wednesday, August 7, 2024


For Wednesday, August 7, 2024:

John 21:6a NLT: “Then Jesus said, ‘Throw out your net on the right-hand side of the boat, and you’ll catch some fish!’”

Yesterday was the Pastor’s Urban and Suburban Fishing Tournament on Lake Minnetonka, co-sponsored by Fishing for Life and Jesus in the City. Some caught fish; some didn’t. That didn’t really matter, because the larger purpose is to build relationships between churches in the suburbs and those still fighting it out in the inner city. In the city, we’re battling more homelessness, addictions, hunger and single-parenting challenges. Far too many people are under-resourced. It’s a rough place to do ministry, and sometimes success is elusive.

Remember that Jesus sent us out not to fish for fish. He taught us to fish for men and women, souls that otherwise would be lost. Believers have assurance of salvation, a promise from Jesus that we’d see heaven from the inside. Out of gratitude for what Jesus did for us, we accept his challenge of fishing for souls. We’re responsible for the effort, not the outcome. That’s up to the Holy Spirit and the soul with whom we’re sharing the Good News!

If the fish on your left aren’t biting, try those on the right. Believers should never stop fishing! “Follow me,” Jesus told them, “and I will make you fishers of people!”

Pastor Norton Lawellin

Jesus In the City Fellowship

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