Monday, July 29, 2019

Children of God

July 29, 2019 Monday Message

“To all who received Jesus, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.” John 1:12

You’ve accepted Jesus; you’re a believer now; you’re a member of the Holy family! So let me ask, “Are you one of His good kids, or are you the one who gets sent to the principal’s office?” A growing church will have some of each, with the “good” group steadily increasing.

But a growing, evangelizing church will be constantly adding newcomers who aren’t yet up-to-speed on how Jesus said we should live our lives. They will, over time, break their old habits and lose their old ways. Eventually they’ll join the “good” group, with newer converts taking their place.

There’s a mistaken notion that potential Christians need to clean up their lives and then come to church. Backwards! They first need a come-to-Jesus moment! Then their lives will improve and their behavior will change out of gratitude for what Jesus did for them – rescuing them from eternal damnation.

Another thought: I’m perpetually amazed that in our next life we can live in the presence of God for “eternity,” and we don’t even know how long eternity is! But God knows, and he wants us there for all of it! That’s God’s love for us!

Norton Lawellin

Jesus in the City Fellowship meets Sunday Aug. 4, 2019, 10:30AM, 3249 30th Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55406. Founding Pastor Michael Pilla returns to the pulpit.

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