Monday, November 26, 2018

Jesus + Nothing

Nov. 26, 2018 Monday Message:

“By grace you have been saved through faith. This is not your own doing; it is the gift of God.” Eph. 2:8

The Christian Church teaches “Solus Christus,” or “Only Christ” as the means for our eternal salvation. It’s never Jesus plus something else.

Do you need to give a certain amount of money? No, Jesus is all that is required; you can’t buy your way into heaven. It would be nice if you could tithe and occasionally give something extra for a special cause, but it’s not required.

Do you need to be a Baptist? A regular Sunday School attender? Able to speak in tongues? Receive Catholic Sacraments? No to all of it! It’s Christ alone.

The big question 2,000 years ago was circumcision. The first Christians were all Jewish, so the men were all circumcised, and some thought the new Gentile Christians should be too. But after much prayer and a meeting between Paul and the Jerusalem Christians, it was decided that circumcision was not required. It’s always Jesus plus nothing else.

God loves us unconditionally no matter how checkered our past. And if we have Jesus in our heart, we’re ‘good’ to enter eternity. Jesus plus nothing.

Norton Lawellin

Jesus in the City Fellowship meets next Sunday, Dec. 2, 2018, 3249 30th Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55406, 10:30 AM. Pastor Michael Pilla will lead us through the first Sunday of Advent.

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