Monday, April 8, 2013

Substance vs. Circumstances

Leader: He is risen!
Congregation: He is risen indeed!

2000 years ago, the Israelites were fed up with Roman occupation. They were sick and tired of the rules, the soldiers, the taxes and also sick and tired of being governed by people who did not know God. They prayed and prayed for God to rescue them, to anoint a leader who would free them from Roman oppression.

God did send a Messiah, His own Son Jesus Christ, to rescue the people of God. But Jesus was not sent with a political agenda – rather, he had a theological agenda. The Israelite leaders were worried about the Romans; God was worried about our sin.

Governments come and go. In the US, we have elections every 4 years, and our country often switches directions. So the winds of our political circumstance can easily change direction.

God is more concerned with substance than circumstance, and while we often seek a solution to our circumstances, God wants to give us something more, something of substance, something that really matters. God sent his Son, so that all who would believe in him could have their sins forgiven, become brothers and sisters in the Holy family, and live in the presence of God, for ever and ever. And that’s Good News!

Always choose substance over circumstance.

Norton Lawellin

This Sunday, our lead Pastor Michael Pilla returns to the pulpit, fully healed from 3 types of pneumonia. He’ll teach some Bible, but also include personal testimony about the Lord’s healing. Join us Sunday 10:30am, Jesus in the City Fellowship (JICF), in the North end of the Oliver Ministry Building, 27th Street & Bloomington Avenue, Minneapolis.


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