Monday, January 21, 2013

Only God!

January 14, 2013 Monday Message:

We’re working our way through the Ten Commandments. Today, we open the door to #2,  "Do not make a false image or likeness…”

There are no other Gods, and we should not try to make any other Gods. Once a person is aware of the creator God (commandment #1), it would seem just plain silly to fashion something out of wood, metal or, nowadays, plastic, and then worship that thing. But that’s exactly what happened in the Bible.

Moses came down from Mount Sinai carrying the “Ten Commandments” stone tablets which God himself had inscribed with His finger, and found that the Israelites had erected a calf of gold to worship. And it wasn’t reverent worship – they were in full “party” mode, singing and dancing and drinking and celebrating around this new idol they had made-up.

Understand that mankind was made to worship, and if we lose touch with the creator-God, we’ll pour our efforts into something else. That’s why it’s so important to go to church and to hang out with your fellow Christians. It’s keeps your focus on the real God – it keeps the creator at the top of your agenda. Immersion.

Nowadays people don’t build idols – or do they? One of my favorite restaurants has two cows, displayed alongside the Dalai Lama. Did you know that the guardian lions outside Chinese restaurants are a tradition based on superstition?

I was at a performance of the National India Dance Company. They erected a man-sized likeness of Krishna, mysteriously indistinct and yet always lit with a dark blue light so there was a constant presence. When the dancers entered, they would bow to the image, and offer their performance to it. When the concert was over and the lights were turned back on, they neatly folded Krishna and put him into a large suitcase for transport to the next gig.

I recorded a concert at a church. The opening song was Ave Maria. As the song progressed, young women progressed their lyrical dance up the center aisle while carrying candles. I saw that a second altar with a statue of the Virgin Mary had been placed in front of the main altar. The dancers bowed to this image, and then placed their candles on Mary’s altar. Interesting. What do you think?

We’ll look further into idols next week. See you at church!

Norton Lawellin

Friday, Jan. 18, 7pm, I’ll tackle all 10 Commandments during Chapel at New Hope Center, 2739 Cedar Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55407.

Sunday, Jan. 20, 10:30am Jesus in the City Fellowship (JICF) gathers in the North end of the Oliver Ministry Building, 27th Street & Bloomington Avenue, Minneapolis. We’re in Luke Ch. 7 investigating “Faith.”

BTW - Did you know there are actually 613 commandments?


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