Monday, December 3, 2012

Don't shoot backward

December 03, 2012 Monday Message:

Don’t waste time shooting bullets backward.

God has an agenda, his “things-to-do” list. He loves us, his human creations, and wants us to be with him in heaven, forever.

When humans sinned and messed it all up, God didn’t quit. “Fellowship with the humans” is still at the top of God’s agenda. His unchanging nature and steadfast perseverance establish a trend that we can trace throughout the Bible. Watch for trends as you read your Bibles.

Therefore God sent his Son, and launched the process for our redemption. Giving up on the humans simply wasn’t an option. The principles of God, his trends, will not change. You can count on God.

God doesn’t hold onto a grudge or harbor resentment against mankind. Once Adam and Eve were disciplined and course-corrected, God let go of the offense. It does no good to shoot bullets backward.

Our God of provision looks forward, and so should we. He has made a way for us to live together, in the New Jerusalem, forever.

Come quickly, Lord Jesus.

Norton Lawellin

Sunday, Dec. 09, 10:30am Jesus in the City Fellowship (JICF) gathers in the North end of the Oliver Ministry Building, 27th Street & Bloomington Avenue, Minneapolis. We welcome guests from New Hope Center this week, as Pastor Michael continues teaching from Luke: the birth of John the Baptist.


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