Monday, August 13, 2012


August 13, 2012 Monday Message:

“Where there is no vision, the people perish.” Proverbs 29:18a KJV

When God calls you to a new journey, a new ministry, a new direction, the vision is clear. It’s easy, even fun, to communicate the vision to the people. The excitement of something new fuels the project. If the vision is well-communicated, people will eagerly get on board, not wanting to miss any of the action.

Much later, when the goal is in sight and you’re about to win the race, the vision is abundantly clear. After all, we’ve been talking about it, raising money for it, and moving step-by-step closer to the new deal. Everyone will cheer when our team crosses the finish line.

But in the midst of our journey, somewhere between the launch and the victory, the vision can become clouded, confused and lose momentum. The vision is fragile and especially vulnerable in this middle ground. Leaders must be diligent in stating and again re-stating that to which God has called us. It’s said that people don’t remember something until they’ve heard it seven times. One leader told me that he teaches the vision over and over, until he thinks that one more time might make him sick. Then he grits his teeth, and addresses the topic a few more times.

God will not send you on a mission without equipping you for that journey. Pray for God to walk beside you as you take the vision you have been given from “here” to “there.”

Norton Lawellin

Sunday, Aug. 19, Jesus in the City Fellowship worships in the Oliver Ministry building, 27th Street & Bloomington Avenue, 10:30am. I’ll be following the Holy Spirit, Jesus, Satan and Dr. Luke into the wilderness for the test of a lifetime! C U @ church!

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