Monday, November 7, 2011

Tax Collectors and Sinners

November 07, 2011 Monday Message:

“Why does your teacher eat with tax collectors and sinners?” Matthew 9:11b NIV

Jesus was always hanging out with the “wrong” kind of people. Tax collectors were among the worst.

In that day, Rome was ruling over Israel. But Roman-citizen tax collectors were greatly despised and might even be killed. Therefore Rome recruited Jews to be their tax collectors. The Hebrew people might not like paying taxes to Rome, but it was thought that they would not kill one of their own.

Levi-the-tax-collector’s ancestry was in the succession of Temple Priests. Now it’s bad enough when one of your own starts working for the enemy. But just imagine how people felt when they found that one of their high priests had gone to the dark side.

But apparently Levi wasn’t too happy with his choices. I believe he was looking for an opportunity to repent and return. When Jesus said, “Follow me,” Levi left the tax-collection booth immediately, and went with the teacher. They gathered for dinner at Levi’s house, and were joined by many other tax collectors and still more sinners.

When the Pharisees asked about this, Jesus said, “It is the sick people who need a doctor, not those who are healthy.“

So if you’re going to work with Jesus, you may find yourself socializing with sinners. You may be called to visit places to which you would not normally go, and to work with those who really need to repent and return. You’ll meet people who don’t look like you, don’t dress like you, and don’t speak like you. Choose to sit at their table and share the Good News. That’s what Jesus did.

Today we know the tax collector Levi by his Greek name; he’s the Apostle Matthew.

May the Lord walk with you this week,

Norton Lawellin

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