Monday, August 8, 2011

Middle Ground - 1

August 08, 2011 Monday Message:

It’s a long journey from “Let My people go,” to the land of milk and honey. Our lives are often challenging as God-directed change takes us from point ‘A’ to point ‘B.’

We’re usually fairly certain of our point of origin, the place where our transition begins. But our destination is more vague, not always obvious at first. The Jews kept trying to camp in the desert; God kept telling them, “Not yet, I’ll let you know when to stop.”

Today, flying time between Cairo and Jerusalem is 32 minutes. You can drive it in about 6 hours. How long should their journey have taken walking, or with donkeys? A week? A month? Why was the destination not achieved for 40 years? We don’t know, but God has his reasons.

God has a plan, and He’s never wrong. God may be taking you to a new or different ministry, a new congregation, a new city or a new country. To what is God calling you? That’s your new home, your Israel.

Sometimes the move isn’t geographic – it’s a change in moral character, a change in lifestyle, eliminating a shortcoming or rebuilding a relationship. Maybe God wants you to make a change in how you’re living. Have you left your Egypt yet?

Whatever our life-changing event, oftentimes we’ve left point ’A’ but have not yet arrived at point ‘B.’ Were in transition, somewhere on the road, in the “Middle Ground.” We’ll explore “middle ground” further in the next couple of weeks.

Keep moving forward!

Norton Lawellin

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