Monday, May 30, 2011

Get Ready for Pentecost

May 30, 2011 Monday Message:

“Everyone present was filled with the Holy Spirit…” Acts 2:4a

Pentecost will soon be upon us, and most of our churches will celebrate on Sunday, June 12.

I think Pentecost should be one of the “Big 3” Christian Holidays: Easter, Christmas, and Pentecost. It celebrates the day the Holy Spirit came to be with the believers in a way that they could hear and see. There was a roaring sound, like a strong wind might make, a sound that everyone could hear. And “tongues of fire” fell from above and landed on each person.

The roaring-wind sound attracted a huge crowd, and Simon Peter preached his best, a sermon that could be understood in all languages. And when he gave the altar call, 3000 came forward and were baptized that day.

The Holy Spirit moved over the waters at creation, filled Old Testament prophets and saints, and came to be with Jesus at his baptism. Our one God shows himself to us in 3 distinct persons, God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is our paraclete, our advocate to help us in this life until Jesus himself returns. When we fail to call upon our helper, the loss is ours.

Your church will be decorated in scarlet red for Pentecost, and many believers wear red on that day. Look for the Holy Spirit in your church that day. Expect him to show up!

Norton Lawellin

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