Monday, November 22, 2010

Filled with the Spirit???

November 22, 2010 Monday Message:

Are you filled with the Holy Spirit? And why is that important? For followers of Jesus, it works like this…

Just as light and darkness cannot coexist in the same space, goodness and evil are forever separated. If you’re living your life filled with the Holy Spirit, you are separated from evil. Pretty cool, huh? Oftentimes, when sin is the issue, the more difficult solution is to try really, really hard to NOT sin. The easier—and I believe better—solution is to simply add more God. Since sin cannot exist in the presence of God, the best solution to our sinful nature is to get closer to the Lord, and stay there!

As you start your day, take your yellow pad and title it, “Agenda.” Now, fill it up with good stuff—the Bible, your church, serving others, doing acts of kindness, feed the hungry, clothe those who need help, love the Lord and then your neighbor. Is your page full yet? If you filled it with enough good stuff, there won’t be any room—or any time—for any bad stuff!

Paul puts it like this: “Here is my advice. Walk by the Spirit and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh. For the flesh desires what is against the Spirit, and the Spirit desires what is against the flesh; these are opposed to each other, so that you don't do what you want. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law.” Galatians 5:16-18

That’s right—you have been freed from Law of Moses by the blood of Jesus Christ. How does it feel to have been rescued?

Norton Lawellin

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