Monday, August 30, 2010

August 30, 2010 Monday Message:

David: “You made all the delicate, inner parts of my body; you formed me in my mother’s womb.” Psalm 139:13

God knew you at your conception, your beginning. God knew you when one cell divided and became two. God desired companionship, a family; and so each of us was created by Him, different from all the others, unique, and yet similarly created in His image.

God teaches us a lot about parent/child relationships. He is the consummate parent. When you’re a parent, you have a special unconditional love for your child. The child may be rebellious, disobedient and out of control, but when he comes home, you still let him in – even when he doesn’t deserve it. This is, after all, your child. He may have to pay a price for his transgressions, but he is still loved at home, by his parent(s). God showers us with His khesed, His unconditional lovingkindness. Bathe in it – soak it up!

As we approach the Labor Day weekend and prepare to kick-off the next ministry season, take a moment to consider that God created you, your family, and all to whom you minister. Give thanks. No matter how difficult people can be at times, remember that God made each one of them. He gave them free will, so they will do things wrong and make bad decisions. But God forgives them, and so should you. Don’t dwell on it – there really isn’t time. Get back to kingdom building. Look at how many new things can go right during the coming year!

Don’t beat God’s sheep. God doesn’t, so you shouldn’t either.

Norton Lawellin

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