Saturday, September 21, 2024


For Saturday, September 21, 2024:

Ezekiel 43:12a NLT: “This is the basic law of the Temple: absolute holiness!

God and Satan are diehard enemies, one good and one evil. God is the Creator of everything and Satan is a created being, so in the end, God will always win. My advice is to play for the winning team! Make a lifelong commitment to the good guys!

The presence of the Lord would reside in the innermost room of the Temple, IF it was kept Holy, free from sin and corruption. Nowadays we don’t have a temple. We worship God, his Son and the Holy Spirit in our churches, and just like in the Temple, God will be there IF we keep that place Holy. It goes without saying that we absolutely want God in our churches!

Regrettably, mankind doesn’t seem to be very good at keeping a place Holy. I’m always saddened and a little ‘let down’ whenever a national-level pastor fails the holiness test. Oftentimes something in their past comes back to haunt them. Of course the solution would be to be like Paul – confess the sin, repent and let the world know that you’ve made a 180º turn-around in your value system, a change for the better!

Seek the presence of the Lord in the place you worship! If he’s not there, find a different place!

Pastor Norton Lawellin

Jesus In the City Fellowship

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