Thursday, September 26, 2024

God's Purpose!

For Thursday, September 26, 2024:

Exodus 2:3b NLT: “The mother put her baby in a basket and laid it among the reeds along the bank of the Nile River.”

The mother had done all she could for this special baby. The rest was up to God. What followed was a series of synchronized unlikely events that would preserve the child for God’s purpose. We know him as Moses.

Pharaoh's daughter spotted the basket when she came to bathe in the river. The baby’s sister, probably Miriam, offered to locate a Hebrew woman to nurse the wee one. She took Moses to his own mother, and Pharaoh’s daughter, none the wiser, paid the mother for her help, hopefully not in bitcoin! Moses was later adopted into the royal family and given his name. Moses means “to lift out,” as in “to lift the basket out of the water.”

Moses would later be exiled from the royal family for defending his Hebrew brethren, but would return as leader of the Israelites telling Pharaoh to “Let my people go!” Moses was on God’s side, and after a series of plagues, Pharaoh did let the Hebrew people go. In fact, after the plagues, he was glad to see them leave! Moses led God’s chosen people out of Egypt to the edge of the promised land!

This is an example of the value of prophesy. If we can visualize God conclusion, we can be a part of making it happen. Who would have thought that an abandoned baby floating in a basket would lead the Israelites to their homeland?

Pastor Norton Lawellin

Jesus In the City Fellowship

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