Monday, February 11, 2019

The Bible

Feb. 11, 2019 Monday Message

“History & Biographies”

We’re in Minnesota, where we’ve been inundated with below-zero cold weather and a blanket of snow, which has thrown me a bit behind schedule. Time to catch up…

At my church, Jesus in the City Fellowship, we’ve been revisiting the basics of Christianity, and last week we started looking at the Bible.

While the Bible is our Holy religious book, it’s important to realize that a lot of it is history, specifically the history of God’s covenant people. We can verify Bible history by comparing it with secular history. We can double-check who was king, and which country won the war, and secular history writers agree 100% with the facts written in the Bible. So if the Bible has been proven truthful with historical facts, it stands to reason the Bible would be truthful about religious facts as well.

The Bible is also biographies, detailing the lives of Moses, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, David, Paul, and most importantly, Jesus of Nazareth. We have four biographies of Jesus, two written by Apostles, one written by a close friend of an Apostle, and one investigative report from Paul’s beloved physician Luke.

The Bible has a lot of good stories about the people of God, and like the song says, “I love to tell the story.” We should ALL love to tell the story of Jesus and his love!

Norton Lawellin

Jesus in the City Fellowship meets at 10:30 Sunday, Feb. 17, 2019. We welcome musical guests “People of Hope” and  the New Hope tour. Pastor Van Dickerson teaching about grace.

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