For Friday, December 27, 2024:
Luke 2:41 NLT: “Every year Jesus’ parents went to Jerusalem for the Passover festival.”
The trek to Jerusalem didn’t involve only Jesus and his family. It probably included most of the people from their local Synagogue – neighbors, relatives and other faithful believers. They’d all travel together. It was one big, long caravan, and as you might expect, children of similar ages would want to be with their friends. Families would meet up when they had reached their destination for the night. So it wasn’t unusual for Jesus to be traveling with another family. But as night began to fall, our seemingly precocious boy was nowhere to be found.
Mary and Joseph decided to return to Jerusalem to search for him there. It took three days to locate Jesus, in the Temple amongst the religious teachers, listening to and questioning them. Mary must have been teary-eyed, wringing her hands. Imagine the grief of any mother whose 12-year-old son goes missing for three days! “Son,” his mother said to him, “why have you done this to us? Your father and I have been frantic, searching for you everywhere.”
"But why did you need to search?” Jesus asked. “Didn’t you know that I must be in my Father’s house, about his business?” His parents were confused. Yes, they had seen angels. Shepherds and later Magi worshiped the heaven-sent child. But this was 12 years later, Jesus referring to the Temple as his Father’s house!
Friends, God’s vast eternal plan had been set in motion, and that plan runs on God’s timetable. Jesus didn’t start his itinerant ministry until about 30 years into his life. I’m sure the question came up as to why it took so long to start if this was all good, all God’s plan. Jesus would teach and heal, but most importantly he would be the sacrifice for the sins of the world, your sin and my sin. Jesus would take the sins of the world to the place of the dead, leaving us forgiven, cleansed and suitable for residence in God’s eternal Kingdom.
So even 2k years later, believers are the beneficiaries of Jesus’ ministry. God knows what he’s doing!
Pastor Norton Lawellin
Jesus In the City Fellowship
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