For Tuesday, April 30, 2024:
Philippians 3:3 NLV: “The act of becoming a Jew has nothing to do with us becoming Christians. We worship God through His Spirit and are proud of Jesus Christ. We have no faith in what we ourselves can do.”
At the time the resurrected Jesus ascended back to the Father, there was no New Testament. It hadn’t been written yet. Those who ministered with Jesus eventually documented what He said and what we should do. But that comes much later.
At that time, those who ministered with Jesus were all Jews who became followers of Christ, hence “Christians.” When they shared the Good News with their friends, those friends were converted Jews as well. So the mistaken notion developed that one needed to first become a Jew to eventually become a Christian. Not so fast!
It was Jesus himself who personally called Paul to itinerant ministry all over Asia Minor. Paul was put in charge of sharing the Good News with Gentiles, the non-Jews. Paul told everyone he met about Jesus – right away! There was no middle step of becoming a Jew first. After considerable prayer and consulting with the Jerusalem elders, the matter was settled. You did NOT have to first become a Jew in order to become a Christian!
God wants people who worship in truth and in spirit. The truth part is obvious, but our spirit needs to also connect with the Lord’s spirit. Each of us needs to accept the free gift offered by Jesus, eternal salvation in the presence of the Father.
By ourselves, no salvation is accomplished; but with God and his Son, everything is possible!
Norton Lawellin
Jesus In the City Fellowship