Monday, October 28, 2019

The Good Shepherd

Oct. 21, 2019 Monday Message:

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” Psalms 23:1 NKJV

This leads to the question, “Want WHAT?”

At the top of our list should be, “I don’t want any other shepherd, any other God.” ‘God is good’ is more than just words in a song. God will see that you have everything you need, but of course NOT everything that you want.

43 times God said that he will be our God and we can be his people! God is like a rock, and he doesn’t change his mind or go back on his word. If God wants us to be ‘his people,’ that’s forever!

Our ministry frequently connects us with people battling addictions. And because of the chemical use, they may have lost their house, their car and their family. But now they’re in a treatment program. They have a room, a warm bed, clean clothes and three meals a day. When it seemed like they had lost everything, God still had his hand on the situation.

Sometimes you have to do your part, hold up your end of the deal. If you want supper, God might get you a job. YOU have to show up, do good work, collect the paycheck and visit a grocery store. And voilà, you have supper!

Many Christians have a ‘before’ story and an ‘after’ story, and pretty much all agree that life is way better when following the Good Shepherd.

Norton Lawellin

Let’s worship together! Jesus in the City Fellowship meets next Sunday, Nov. 3, 2019, 3249 30th Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55406, 10:30 AM – YIKES! It’s Daylight Savings time! We’ll look at the Resurrection of Jesus and what that means for us, 1 Cor. 15:12-34. See you at church!

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