Monday, June 10, 2019


June 10, 2019 Monday Message

“The fact is that God is very patient towards you. He has no wish that any person should be destroyed. He desires that all mankind should come to repentance.” (1 Peter 3:9 Phillips)

If you read about God and Jesus in the Bible, there seem to be what I call, “God trends.” Right is right, wrong is wrong, and God’s not about to change his mind. He’s the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.

Regarding mankind, the God-trend seems to be that God loves us. David writes 23 times about “chesed,” God’s love for believers. The King James translation calls it “everlasting lovingkindness,” since there isn’t a single word in the English language to adequately describe God’s love for us.

God so loved the world that he sent his Son Jesus to cover the sins of all who repent, so that they could be reclaimed for the Kingdom. This fits right in with God’s original plan, the God-trend. His desire is that ALL of us would join him in the next reality, and as the great facilitator, he has made this possible.

God gave us free will; He won’t force you to repent and return. But His desire is that ALL would come to repentance. Jesus has gone ahead to prepare your room!

Norton Lawellin

Jesus in the City Fellowship meets Father’s Day, Sunday June 16, 2019, 10:30AM, 3249 30th Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55406. We’ll share a meal following the service as we welcome our guests from New Hope Center. Lead Pastor Michael Pilla continues in 1st Corinthians 3 – “You belong to Christ, and Christ belongs to God!”

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