Monday, January 21, 2019

Dr. Luke – Investigative Reporter!

Jan. 21, 2019 Monday Message

We’ve been looking at the Gospel authors. First is Matthew-the-tax-collector, who was recruited personally by Jesus. Second is Mark, the friend of Simon-Peter, who was very close to the Apostles and an eyewitness to all that happened.

The third Gospel was written by Luke, an educated physician, who investigated the story of Jesus with the intensity of Woodward and Bernstein when they probed the Watergate scandal. Reading Luke is like watching an investigative report on 60 Minutes.

Luke’s Gospel is addressed to Theophilus, one who loves the Lord, “…so you can be certain of the truth.” We read it so that WE can be certain of the truth. We know that Luke also traveled with Paul, and they probably met Mary in Ephesus, where Luke garnered details of the virgin birth and the early life of Jesus.

Whereas Matthew and Mark were eyewitnesses, Luke’s approach was to interview all the eyewitnesses he could find, and distill their testimonies into an instructional narrative for all who need to know the truth – and that’s US!

Norton Lawellin

Jesus in the City Fellowship meets at 10:30 Sunday, Jan. 27, 2019. I’m on vacation, so please welcome Mark Johnson leading worship this week.

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