Monday, February 29, 2016

Psalm 35

February 29, 2016 Monday Message:

“Contend, LORD, with those who contend with me; fight against those who fight against me!” Psalm 35:1

The Bible says, “To all who would receive him, (Jesus,) to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.” John 1:12 In other words, believers have been adopted into the Holy family, with all the rights, privileges and responsibilities afforded all family members.

So God’s family is your family now; you are on God’s side of things. And if you’re on God’s side, then reciprocally, you’d like God to be on your side too. That’s what David was asking in Psalm 35. This could have been over a conflict with Saul, or with David’s son Absalom, or something else – we don’t know. But we hear David’s plea, “I could use a little help here!” Just as God helped and protected David, he can do the same for you and me.

“How long, LORD, will you look on?” Psalm 35:17a This speaks to God’s timing. Personally, I’m perpetually out of sync with God’s timing. I tend to want to put good things into action right away. So why isn’t God working with me on this? Maybe it’s not the right time yet. Maybe I need to get more people on-board. Maybe I shouldn’t start out under-resourced. God will decide when the time is right, and His timing is always perfect.

Because God has been good to David, he writes, “My mouth will proclaim Your righteousness, Your praises all day long.” Psalm 35:28 Join David in his praise, today!

Norton Lawellin

Let’s worship together! Jesus in the City Fellowship (JICF) meets at 10 am every Sunday in the North end (gym) of the Oliver Ministry Building, 2647 Bloomington Ave., Minneapolis. This Sunday, March 6, 2016, we’ll dig deep inside Romans Ch. 3. See you at church!

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