Monday, March 24, 2014

Rest of the Story

March 24, 2014 Monday Message:

The Rest of the Story

In Luke 15, Jesus tells three parables, The Lost Sheep, The Lost Coin, and The Lost Son, often called The Prodigal Son. Any one of these stories could serve as inspiration for a great Sunday morning message, and we’ve all heard them. But I’ve never heard anyone spend much time on verses 1-3, the things that caused Jesus to teach these parables. So here we go…

Jesus was hanging out with and teaching tax collectors and sinners. Your translation may say “people of dubious reputation” or “notorious characters.” Jesus always said that only the sick need to visit a doctor. Similarly, only sinners need to be rescued. But the religious echelon of the day thought they knew it all – their hard hearts weren’t really interested in any “new” teaching.

And the Pharisees and religious scholars didn’t keep their displeasure with Jesus to themselves. In fact, they became quite vocal with their grumbling and criticism. “He takes in sinners and eats meals with them, treating them like old friends.”

Their outspoken critique of Jesus’ ministry continued until, as Popeye used to say, “That’s all I can stands - I can’t stands no more.” Jesus had reached the end of his patience with these people who couldn’t see past sin to show any love for their neighbors.

Jesus stopped, pivoted, and faced his accusers head on, teaching these three parables that explain how great the rejoicing is in heaven when even just one of the lost returns to the Father. Jesus gave three different examples hoping against hope that they might finally “get it.”

And as Paul Harvey always said, now you know the r-e-s-t of the story!

Norton Lawellin

Come worship with us! Jesus in the City Fellowship (JICF) meets every Sunday, at 10:30am, in the North end (gym) of the Oliver Ministry Building, 2647 Bloomington Ave., Minneapolis. This week, I’ll do my best to connect Jesus’ teaching about the second coming, Luke 21:25-38, with the books of Daniel and Revelation. Yikes!!!

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