Dec. 16, 2013 Monday Message:
“You are blessed because you believed that the Lord would do what he
said.” (Luke
This blessing was given to Mary, a virgin carrying God’s son in
her womb. God had sent an angel to lay out God’s timetable for the upcoming
events, and Mary, a godly woman, truly believed that God would deliver on the
prophesies; that everything she was told would come to fruition.
God always does what he says. Another example would be when God
told the Hebrew people, “I will be your God, and you will be my people.” Lev. 26:12 Evil, jealous
people have tried many times to wipe the Hebrew people off the face of the
earth. And yet there’s still a flourishing country of Israel, and Jews are
everywhere! God wins!
God saw everything that he created – plants, animals, humans, the
whole earth – and God declared that it was good. Gen. 1:31a God hasn’t
changed his mind about that. Something that God created and pronounced ‘good’
is worth rescuing when it gets off-course.
So God sent his Son to be the offering for our transgressions, to make
a way for us to return home and spend eternity as a member of his Holy family. God
is reaching down to us, and we need to take his hand and accept the help, God’s
free gift for us. God’s Son intends to rescue us; he’s not changing his
mind, and he always does what he says!
Christmas is coming – the Kingdom of God is at hand!
Norton Lawellin
Jesus in the City Fellowship (JICF) meets every Sunday at 10:30am
in the North end (gym) of the Oliver Ministry Building, 2647 Bloomington Ave.,
Minneapolis. This Sunday, Dec. 22, we’ll sing Christmas Carol favorites, and Pastor
Michael continues the Christmas story from Luke.
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