Monday, April 22, 2013

Mission with a Church - 2

Last week, we closed our discussion of church mission vs. buildings with some questions. Let’s explore.

1. Are church buildings good things, or bad things?
  Good things. Anything that facilitates ministry is a good thing. Being able to bring the unchurched to your building to hear solid Bible teaching is a prudent use of God’s resources.

  a) Should you contribute to the “building fund?”
  Sure. If a new building is the vision for your church, get onboard.

2. Is it better to be a church with no mission, or a mission with no church?
  A church with no mission is dead, or at least they missed the whole point of the Great Commission. Matthew 28:16-20 So if you had to choose, it would be far better to be on a mission for God than to establish a church that had no purpose. Hopefully, we can have both – a church with a purpose. God’s mission for you could include establishing a local church where one did not previously exist.

3. Does the church where you worship have:
  a) a building?
  b) a mission?
  c) both?
  By now we all know that it’s ideal to have both.

When Jesus started his ministry on earth, he had a job to do, a mission. He did not have a church. He called the 12 Apostles and the many other disciples, followers and believers who then became “the church.” The Acts 2 church didn’t have a building. But even though they met in homes, they were clearly on a mission from God.

Norton Lawellin

Join Jesus in the City Fellowship (JICF) Sunday, April 28. Lead Pastor Michael Pilla continues our journey in Luke 9:18-27. We meet in the North end of the Oliver Ministry Building, 27th Street & Bloomington Avenue, Minneapolis. See you there!


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