Monday, March 26, 2012

Fill 'er Up!

March 26, 2012 Monday Message:

Israel and its neighbors were at war with Moab, a country south and east of Jerusalem, on the far side of the Dead Sea. As they traveled to the confrontation, “there was no water for the men or their animals.” 2 Kings 3:9b

God, through the prophet Elisha, told them to dig ditch after ditch in the valley, and He (God) would fill them. Elisha also commented that this was a small thing for the Lord, who had also promised them victory over Moab.

Well, it happened just the way God said: the ditches were miraculously filled with water (it didn’t rain!) and Israel was victorious over Moab.

When God calls you to a task, he will equip you for that mission. You may need to do part of the work, dig your own ditch first. You can count on God to do His part.

For example, if you’re carrying the message to a prospective believer, that’s like digging your ditch. God (Holy Spirit) will open their eyes, their mind and their heart to the Good News. That’s Him filling the ditches.

If your church is growing, you may feel called to dig a few ditches from time to time, and to ask God to fill them. We don’t have the Prophet Elisha nowadays, but you can look for where God is already working, and jump in there.

God will direct, God will equip and God will help. God wants you on His team. God will fill the ditches He asked you to dig.

Norton Lawellin

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