Last week we defined our Christian goal as wanting to be closer to Jesus, and to live our lives more like Jesus lived His life. Jesus, of course, is the form God took as he walked the earth with us. So let’s see what living close to God would look like.
Is there sickness near God? No, God does not have sickness or disease. We see illness on a sinful planet, but it didn’t come from God. The fact is Jesus was the one known for healing the sick. Near the beginning of the Gospel stories, you see a lot of detail about Jesus’ healings. As His healing ability became well known, the Gospels say only that, “He healed those who needed it.” The ability of Jesus to heal, to restore, had become commonplace.
Is there death near God? No. Quite the opposite, Jesus promises eternal life for all who repent and return. Jesus not only raised people from the dead, but conquered death himself as he rose on the third day. God is not constrained by our concept of death. Interestingly, Jesus said that his followers, his disciples, should both heal the sick and raise the dead. Have you healed anyone lately? (…with power from the Holy Spirit, and “in Jesus’ name,” of course.)
Is there poverty near God? No, the Bible says that we will have everything we need from God’s abundance. We may not be wealthy, but we’ll be OK. God has thousands of cattle on thousands of hills, provision for His holy family. If you’re living in the presence of the Lord, what else could you possibly need?
Is there sin where God lives? No, sin cannot exist in the presence of God. So if you are trying to NOT sin, getting closer to God would be a good solution. Just as Jesus taught in the Prodigal Son parable, the farther you are from the father, the more easily trouble seems to find you. When you’re closer to the Father, things go better for you.
God doesn’t ever go away – God is omnipresent. But as humans, we turn away from God and wander from time to time. Our world would be a better place if more of us would repent, return, and get closer to the Father.
For Him,
Norton Lawellin
Sunday, October 24th at 4PM, I’ll be leading a celebration of worship and healing at Trinity of Minnehaha Falls. You’re all invited!

Come join us at SING YOUR HEART OUT on Sunday, October 24th at 4:00 p.m. for an afternoon of hymns and praise. One Voice (the former group with no name), musicians, and guest worship leader Norton Lawellin will fill our sanctuary with worship. Please come and invite your family and friends!
A healing service will follow for those who would like prayer for themselves and others.
Trinity of Minnehaha Falls
5212 41st Avenue South, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55417
very good! congrats!