Monday, September 20, 2010

Christ's Business Plan

September 20, 2010 Monday Message:

Last week we looked at the declining attendance and membership in many of our denominations. It opens marketing questions, such as “Are the people buying what we have to sell,” and, “Are we selling what congregations want to take home?” Let’s take a closer look.

Jesus, the author of our business plan, says we are to worship in Spirit and Truth. All denominations have truth in their tradition, but does it continue in the pulpit today? Many denominations have slipped away from truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth – and are just serving watered-down, lukewarm theology. If a church doesn’t stand for much anymore, it shouldn’t be surprising that no one really wants to commit to it. Surprisingly, it seems that the churches with more “rules” are doing better, while those with fewer rules are declining the most.

Worshiping in Spirit is another matter. Congregations in general have little understanding of the Holy Spirit, few teachers choose to go there, and many people are just plain uncomfortable with the whole idea.

But that’s not the plan Jesus had in mind. Jesus said that he would send a helper, a comforter, someone to walk beside us, and we are to seek and wait for this supernatural power. With the Holy Spirit we can do anything, and without the Spirit we will accomplish nothing.

When the Holy Spirit knocks on your church door, do you need to open up and let Him in? I know, people who worship “in the Spirit” seem out of place in mainline denominations, but they’re present nonetheless. I call them “Charismatic Lutherans.” They may be in the pew right in front of you. If you’re not tapping into the power of the Holy Spirit, you’re leaving 50% of Christ’s plan unimplemented.

Don’t confuse any of this with worship style – there are dead liturgical churches and dead contemporary churches. They all need revival. This is about using God’s power to connect with people, and we’ll investigate the “connecting” piece next week.

May the Holy Spirit touch your life this week!

Norton Lawellin

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