Thursday, February 29, 2024


For Thursday, February 29, 2024:

Mark 14:11b NLT: “Judas Iscariot began looking for an opportunity to betray Jesus.”

Apparently Judas’ mind was already made up. He went to the leading priests seeking their permission to betray Jesus. They had been hoping to kill Jesus anyway, and this could expedite the event.

The priests offered Judas money in exchange for his help with this. How much is the Son of Man’s life worth, this miracle worker, this great healer? Turns out thirty pieces of silver was the price.

In the dark night, it was difficult to see, difficult to positively identify people. So Judas kissed Jesus on the cheek and called him Master, clearly pointing him out to the Sanhedrin. This betrayal happened after the Thursday night dinner where Jesus gave us Holy Communion, and before the next day, what we call Good Friday, which is to say it all went south rather quickly.

Having second thoughts, Judas tried to return the money, but the deed was already done. Eventually he hung himself, and the priests used the money to buy a field in which to bury strangers.

Our take-away from this incident is to closely examine those teaching religion, especially those who might be false prophets. That one of the twelve would betray the master is beyond belief. After living and traveling with Jesus for three years and witnessing all the miracles, you’d expect loyalty from Judas. And the priests and teachers of religion should have been supporting God’s Son, not plotting against him. And yet they’re masquerading as priests! Hypocrites!

Compare everything you’re taught with what your Bible says. The Bible is always right!

Norton Lawellin

Jesus In the City Fellowship

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

All In!

For Wednesday, February 28, 2024:

Mark 14:8 NLT, Jesus speaking: “The woman has done what she could and has anointed my body for burial ahead of time.”

Jesus was finishing dinner when a woman entered, broke open a jar of expensive perfume, and poured it over Jesus. Most considered it a waste of resources. The perfume could have been sold, and the money used to buy food for the poor. But already, Jesus had his eyes on the cross. He knew what the future held.

Dead bodies stink after a short time, so the custom was to drench them in perfume. This was a part of the funeral ritual at the time. So Jesus approved what had happened. Her timing was a little off, but the effort was genuine.

The principle here is that, just like the woman, each of us should do all we can for Jesus while we’re alive. We are told to do the best we can with what we have.

Jesus said that wherever the Gospel is preached throughout the world, this woman’s deed will be remembered and discussed. We’re doing that right now. The woman didn’t have much, but with the resources she had, she was all in for Jesus – 100%!

She had given her all for Jesus, just as he will give his all to rescue mankind. Jesus never does anything halfway. It’s all or nothing, always doing his best!

Thank you Jesus for pulling us out of the sin-filled mire!

Norton Lawellin

Jesus In the City Fellowship

Tuesday, February 27, 2024


For Tuesday, February 27, 2024:

Mark 14:1b-2 NLT: “The leading priests and the teachers of religious law were still looking for an opportunity to capture Jesus secretly and kill him. ‘But not during the Passover celebration,’ they agreed, ‘or the people may riot.’

Jesus didn’t get along with the Jewish hierarchy. They suffered from, what I call, “Selective Obedience.” Now killing someone, in this case Jesus, would be a violation of God’s commandments. And yet they choose to honor the Passover.

So which is it, Rabbi? Are we supposed to follow God or not, and are there exceptions? The short answer is that we are to always follow God’s instructions. He is always right; he always wants what’s best for us! There are no exceptions!

Jesus didn’t like people who preached one thing, but then did another, and I believe God didn’t like it either. God and Jesus are always on the same page! The two-faced teachers and priests were secretly plotting Jesus’ demise, while publicly leading the celebration of Passover. Hypocrites!

Signing up for the Holy Family requires total commitment. The wishy-washy won’t make it. Disingenuous souls won’t make it. When following Jesus, you’re either all in, or not in at all. And those who are all in get to see heaven from the inside. Eternally!

Today is the best day to seal your commitment to Jesus!

Norton Lawellin

Jesus In the City Fellowship

Monday, February 26, 2024

Imminent Return!

February 26, 2024 Monday Message:

Mark 13:29 NLT, Jesus speaking: “When you see all these things taking place, these signs, you can know that the Son of Man’s return is very near, right at the door.

Jesus is speaking about the end times. He says that preceding his return to us, there will be signs, warning us that the day is imminent. And believers need to be ready for the trip of a lifetime!

The signs are wars and rumors of wars, extreme weather, earthquakes, and famine. Close friends may abandon you. Believers will be persecuted. We will no longer see the light of the sun, moon and stars.

Jesus himself claimed to not know the exact day. Angels in heaven do not know. Only the Father knows. So we need to be ready every day. That’s why each day is a good day to repent. Square things up with your neighbor before nightfall. And don’t fall for any false Messiahs!

Jesus says, “We must watch. Anyone who watches is not caught by surprise. People are not ready because they fail to watch.” So stay alert! Be ready to join Jesus, whenever that day arrives!

Jesus promises, “The one who endures to the end will be saved!” (Mark 13:13)

Norton Lawellin

Jesus In the City Fellowship

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Second Coming!

For Sunday, February 25, 2024:

Mark 13:27 NLT, Jesus speaking: “The Son of Man will send out his angels to gather his chosen ones from all over the world—from the farthest ends of the earth and heaven.”

Jesus is wrapping up his teaching about the end times. He says that he will return to us in the clouds, in the sky. Trumpets will herald his arrival and be heard around the world. There won’t be any mistaking this event. Angels will then gather the faithful to join their Savior.

Jesus refers to believers as the “chosen ones,” but there’s a certain irony in this. Yes, believers were chosen by heaven, given the invitation, but they (us) in turn must choose to accept God’s offer to become one of his children. Our invitation is to join the family of God!

It’s a good decision! You won’t be sorry you accepted the Lord’s invitation!

Norton Lawellin

Jesus In the City Fellowship

Saturday, February 24, 2024


For Saturday, February 24, 2024:

Mark 13:13 NLT, Jesus speaking: “Everyone will hate you because you are my followers. But the one who endures to the end will be saved.”

Jesus is again teaching about the end times. Remaining a loyal believer won’t be easy. Jesus says that faithful believers will be despised. We must remain strong enough to stand up under immense pressure.

Unfortunately, there is a world-wide trend away from religion in general and Christianity specifically. If the US continues the current rate of decline, we’ll soon look like Europe, with beautiful old churches in the cities, all boarded up. A recent survey showed only 65% of Americans claim to be Christian, skewed radically toward the elderly. As we lose supporters through attrition, they’re not being replaced by younger generations. We still have work to do!

Unshakable faith, devotion and loyalty – that’s what we need as the end times grow closer day by day. Jesus said that if we endure to the end, we will be saved! I pray we all get there!

Norton Lawellin

Jesus In the City Fellowship

Friday, February 23, 2024

Preach it!

For Friday, February 23, 2024:

Mark 13:10 NLT, Jesus speaking: “The Good News must first be preached to all nations.”

Jesus is still teaching about the end times. He wants everyone on earth to hear the Gospel, the Good News, and have an opportunity for redemption. That way, when Jesus comes again to call the Kingdom, no one will be able to say,I never knew about Jesus.” Everyone will have had a chance to accept him or reject him.

Statistically, we’re losing ground. The US used to be considered a Christian nation. Nowadays not so much. Each week I meet people who just recently made their decision for Jesus. Apparently, our work here is not done!

Today is the perfect day to share the Good News of forgiveness and reconciliation with our Creator! Make one more Christian in your world. Ask the Holy Spirit to help!

Norton Lawellin

Jesus In the City Fellowship

Thursday, February 22, 2024

End-times Signs!

For Thursday, February 22, 2024:

Mark 13:8a NLT, Jesus speaking: “Nation will go to war against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be earthquakes in many parts of the world, as well as famines.”

Jesus gave his disciples more signs of the end times. One sign is seemingly never-ending wars. I’ll only highlight a couple.

Russia’s effort to overtake Ukraine is in year three now, and I’m sure that – to those people – it seems like it will never end. The inability to ship grain from Ukraine to Africa has resulted in a severe famine in Africa.

Our other worldly war is in Gaza. On Oct. 7th of last year, a Hamas-led Palestinian group invaded Israel killing 1,139 Israelites, and taking 253 captive to Gaza. Surely Hamas anticipated Israel’s retaliation which has been devastating to Gaza’s greater population.

In college we learned that our entire continent is slowly moving west, accounting for some of California’s earthquakes. Our teacher predicted the coast would crumble and fold under the moving continent. He joked that someday we’d be able to buy ocean-front property in Utah! On the nightly news last night, I saw foot-deep cracks in the 101 and watched two million-dollar houses fall into the ocean.

I heard a preacher say that we are in the end times of the end times! There’s no better time to cement our personal relationship with Jesus. Each day we’re one day closer to heaven!

Norton Lawellin

Jesus In the City Fellowship

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Jesus = Real!

For Wednesday, February 21, 2024:

Mark 13:4 NLT, Disciple’s question of Jesus: “Tell us, when will all this happen? What sign will show us that these things are about to be fulfilled?”

As Jesus and the disciples sat on the Mount of Olives, Jesus explained what would take place in the future, what we call the end times. So their logical question was, “When? How soon?”

Jesus gave broad answers, not specifics. His first warning is about false Messiahs:Many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah.’ They will deceive many.”

We live in a country where false religions are abundant. Especially deceitful are those with ‘Jesus’ or ‘Christ’ in the name of their denomination, but no Bible in their church. They sound legit, but their philosophy is flawed. Some rewrite the facts and publish their own bible full of lies. Others write their own holy book. Jesus warns us: “Many will come in my name, claiming, ‘I am the Messiah.’” Don’t fall for it!

The United States was founded on Freedom of Religion. I appreciate the wisdom in separating government from church. But among the founders, the differences were between Methodists, Baptists and Lutherans. Small differences, but they’re all Christian. I doubt our founding fathers envisioned Buddhists, Muslims and Hindus living shoulder to shoulder alongside Christians. I don’t have a good answer.

As Christians, we need to be strong in our convictions and our devotion to Jesus. Don’t fall for a fake version of the real thing!

Norton Lawellin

Jesus In the City Fellowship

Tuesday, February 20, 2024


February 20, 2024 Monday Message:

Mark 12:42 NLT: “Then a poor widow came into the temple and dropped two small coins in the collection box.”

Others gave more, but this widow gave all that she had. Nothing is too good for the Lord!

Jews were commanded to tithe, a Hebrew word that means 1/10th. For some people, the tithe is a minimum amount, but for others it’s a maximum. It they gave 10%, they were all done giving! Not a good plan! I believe if God blesses us with abundance, it’s so that we can help others. 10% isn’t a limit, but it’s a good starting point. Consider the needs of your church and your community, and give accordingly.

Luke quotes Jesus: “You should tithe, yes, but do not neglect the more important things.”

Norton Lawellin

Jesus In the City Fellowship

Money Changers!

February 19, 2024 Monday Message:

Mark 11:15b NLT: “Jesus knocked over the tables of the money changers and the chairs of those selling doves.”

Many times Jesus showed a lot of patience, but this, after all, was the Temple! This was his Father’s house! He needed to stop the bad guys right away. Let’s look at what transpired.

This was still a time of animal sacrifices, and worshipers would bring farm animals to dedicate to the Lord. According to those who examined such, their animals were never good enough. The examiner always found some little defect or imperfection, forcing the worshipers to buy a different animal at the Temple, at a highly inflated price. The merchants made money from both selling the animal, and from changing the money with an outrageous rate of exchange. Transactions at the Temple had to be paid in the currency of the Temple.

The outer court of the Temple had been made into a commercial marketplace, a dishonest one, and Jesus wasn’t standing for it. He drove out the merchants and upset the tables of the money changers. God intended the Temple to be a house of prayer for all nations, but they had made it into a den of thieves.

Standing up for what is fair and right is a trait of Jesus that we should all emulate. And nothing – no lack of an animal and no shortage of money - should keep us from honoring the Lord.

By doing all this, Jesus had disrupted the Temple system, so the scribes and chief priests sought how to to destroy him. This would be tricky as most of the people were amazed at Jesus’ teaching. This is the beginning of the road to the cross. Jesus himself became our sacrifice, and we can pray directly to God, not having to go through a priest. Those who repent and believe in Jesus will be forgiven, and get to spend eternity in the Kingdom. That’s the purpose of all that we do, lining up believers with a heavenly destination!

Have a blessed week!

Norton Lawellin

Jesus In the City Fellowship

Down To Earth!

For Sunday, February 18, 2024

Mark 12:38 NLT: “Jesus also taught, ‘Beware of these teachers of religious law! For they like to parade around in flowing robes and receive respectful greetings as they walk in the marketplaces.’”

We gather to worship God, not the priest. Now tradition on it’s own isn’t necessarily bad. If the leaders of a church want to wear long robes, fine with me. But if they think they’re special when they wear the garb, they’re off base. Wearing a costume to pray doesn’t get you any closer to Jesus. Furthermore, too much gold in a church leaves me suspect. Those resources could have been used to feed the needy and clothe babies.

As Jesus walked the earth, he wasn’t the least bit pretentious. He was a heaven-sent regular guy. He worked hard, preaching non-stop and healing all who needed healing. He had no permanent home, and no guaranteed next meal. I suspect that he dug in to the work and got his hands dirty. He led the entourage as they walked from town to town. Church was open-air!

It’s important to worship the Lord with all your heart, but it’s not important to do it in a fancy place. It’s good to help your neighbor, but you might get your hands dirty. Hands can be washed, and souls can be forgiven.

Norton Lawellin

Jesus in the City Fellowship

Greatest Commandment!

For Saturday, February 17, 2024

Mark 12:28b NLT: “Of all the commandments, which is the most important?”

Jesus was taking questions now, Some in the crowd wanted to know more about God and the Kingdom, while others were hoping to trick Jesus into making a misstatement. Jesus accepted the challenge.

We’re all familiar with the 10 Commandments. God sent Moses down the mountain with those commands etched in stone. But those who read scriptures discovered 613 things God said to do, commandments if you will. Some made sense, other did not. Their purpose might have been to set the Hebrew people apart from other nations. But this teacher of religious law had a legitimate question. Imagine trying to place 613 items in the proper order! Which items were most important?

Jesus was taking no chances, so he quoted from Deuteronomy 6 in the Jewish Scriptures, our Old Testament. “You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind and all your strength.” The second is equally important: “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

Knowledge is the key. To love the Lord, you must have an understanding of who He is and what He has done for us. To me, God is the Creator. He made the universe, the solar system, the planets and stocked them with plants, birds, fish and animals including his crowning achievement: human beings! We exist because of God’s plan. Loving your neighbor is not difficult. Be nice, be kind, be helpful. Figure out the next right thing to do.

Love God and love your neighbor. It’s not that hard!

Pastor Norton Lawellin

Jesus in the City Fellowship


For Friday, February 16, 2024:

Mark 12:13 NLT: “They sent to Him (Jesus) some of the Pharisees and the Herodians, to catch Him in His words.”

Public opinion favored Jesus. People had seen the miracles and witnessed the healings. His popularity was unquestioned, which angered the Pharisees, the muckety-mucks of the Jewish religion, and the Herodians, the muckety-mucks of the government. These two groups formed an unlikely alliance for the sole purpose of quashing Jesus’ progress. They questioned Jesus, hoping for a slip of the tongue that would convict him either of blasphemy or disloyalty to Herod. The test question was, “Shall we pay, or shall we not pay taxes to Caesar?”

Jesus examined a denarius and inquired as to the image on the coin. It was Caesar. He answered. “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” The critics marveled at Jesus’ answer!

Jesus is saying that it takes both. There are practical needs for life on earth like roads, police and armies – things totally separate from any religious obligation. And our tithing to God is separate from any government, as it should be.

Trying to catch Jesus in a misstatement is always a bad idea. He always has a perfect answer!

Pastor Norton Lawellin

Jesus in the City Fellowship