Monday, May 25, 2020

Who is this guy?

May 25, 2020 Memorial Day Monday Message:

Question from Jesus: “Who do you say I am?”
Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Christ, the Son of the living God.” Matt. 16:15-16

I hate to admit it, but I seem to learn best from the School of Hard Knocks. It would be much easier to learn from other’s experience, and then do everything correctly, but few of us seem to achieve that skill. We tend to want to try things our own way, make a few mistakes, hopefully learn from them, and then give life another try.

I think Jesus’ disciples were like that. They liked Jesus, enjoyed his take on Torah and thought he was inspired from above. They watched the healings and other miracles – but – Who do you say he is? Really? Have you figured it out for yourself?

Jesus could have just done his “walk-on-water” dance and shouted, “Look at me – I’m the Son of God!” It would have been an impressive visual, but Jesus doesn’t want disciples who only caught one ephemeral moment. If a person learns who he is experientially, they will forever know in their hearts who Jesus really is – “the Son of the Living God!”

It’s a good question for all of us. As Christians, our answer needs to be locked in our hearts. And as we evangelize, we need to present enough convincing evidence that the candidate is able to answer this question on his/her own. Once they truly understand who Jesus is, it’s pretty easy for them to accept him as Savior.

Give thanks today for those who helped keep freedom in our country. God’s blessings on you and your loved ones – stay safe!

Norton Lawellin, Worship Pastor
Jesus in the City Fellowship.
3249 30th Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55406

Monday, May 18, 2020

Include Jesus!

May 18, 2020 Monday Message:

Paul speaking: “What is life? To me, it is living for Christ.” Phil. 1:21a

Make no mistake – we are living in the midst of spiritual warfare. I know, most of you reading this are already Christians, you know Jesus, and it’s easy to fall into complacency. But here’s the bad news: Satan is still in business, still looking for a ‘win.’

This is why separating our spiritual life from our secular life may not be a good idea. If we’re ‘saved,’ adopted into the Holy Family, we’re better off living that 24/7, allowing our relationship with Jesus to be the umbrella covering all aspects of our lives. We’re better off not separating prayer and worship from cleaning, raising children, exercising, and going to work.

Whether I read a newspaper or the Bible, BOTH need to be covered by Jesus. Think about it – Has God turned his back when I play Monopoly, walk the dog, watch a movie, make a living, or eat tacos? NO! Jesus wants to walk hand-in-hand with us through life, and we need to make sure we include him.

Be alert for the evil one reminding us of past sins. On the cross, Jesus paid the price for ALL the sins of the world – past sins, present sins, even sins of the future. Mention sin to Jesus, and he’ll tell you, “Forgiven and forgotten.” So why does Satan keep bring it up? It’s another lie to encumber us with low self exteem. But listen to this: If Jesus by his own blood has forgiven all our sins, what right do we have to not forgive ourselves?

The love and forgiveness of Jesus is a free gift to all who will accept it. Let’s live in that forgiveness today!

God’s blessings on you and your loved ones – stay safe!

Norton Lawellin, Worship Pastor
Jesus in the City Fellowship.
3249 30th Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55406

Monday, May 11, 2020

God's Timing

May 11, 2020 Monday Message:

“Stay here in the city until the Holy Spirit comes and fills you with power from heaven.” Luke 24:49b NLT

Patience is a virtue, and God’s timing is always right, but it’s sometimes hard for me to just wait. Even when I want to do the right things for the right reasons, I still need to wait for God’s appointed time. It’s not always easy…

In our scripture today, the believers had been following the risen Jesus, taking in His every word. And then Jesus told them this: “Stay here in Jerusalem until the Holy Spirit comes and fills you with power from heaven.” Stay, wait and be patient. Stay in Jerusalem, do not pass “Go,” do not collect $200, just wait – the Holy Spirit will let you know “when.”

Part of this passage is about obedience to God. The believers in fact did just as Jesus had asked – they waited for God’s timing. But the other lesson in this scripture is about cooperation, teamwork and unity. The Jesus followers were of one mind – they stayed together, they waited together, they prayed together. And when the Holy Spirit showed up, they were ready to go!

So how did that work out? First, they were given both visual and audible signs that the Holy Spirit was filling each one of them. Then they immediately segued to a Crusade-like event, where God took down the language barriers. Simon-Peter preached the message and gave an altar call. The faithful had been uncertain about the future of Christianity after the crucifixion of their leader. But God was on their side, and 3,000 were added to the flock that day.  Turns out that God’s timing was perfect then, and still is today.

As our world deals with the coronavirus pandemic, I have no doubt that God will provide a solution when the time is right. We just need to wait for God’s timing. Like I said, it’s not always easy…

God’s blessings on you and your loved ones – stay safe!

Norton Lawellin, Worship Pastor
Jesus in the City Fellowship.
3249 30th Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55406

Monday, May 4, 2020

The Gift of Today

May 4, 2020 Monday Message:

This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24 ESV

Every 24 hours God gives us a new day, but it’s up to each of us to make the most of it. Each day is a free gift from God, but if you had to buy it, would you be getting your money’s worth?

Each morning God gives you a yellow pad, and at the top it says “Agenda” or “Things To Do Today.” You can fill the page with anything you choose – good things, bad things, fun things, stupid things – anything! Start numbering down the left side of the page, and then fill in all the lines.

You want to put God first on the list, which is as it should be. Then perhaps something for the Kingdom, and something for your home church. Maybe spend time with someone still searching for the Lord. Take a meal to a shut-in. Help out at the food shelf. Facilitate a small group or Bible study. Tithe. Offer a ride to someone who can no longer drive. Put good stuff on your agenda.

Perhaps in your old life you had some bad things on your list. For the moment, don’t worry about that. Just keep adding good things to the top of the list. Pretty soon the bad things will get pushed off the bottom. “Yes, Satan, it sounds like it might be fun to sin, but I just can’t find the time! My calendar is full with all the good stuff!”

In the musical “The Music Man,” Professor Harold Hill sang, “The idle brain is the devil’s playground!” Never were those words more true than during our current shelter-in-place pandemic. As Christians, we should do everything possible to keep our brothers and sisters connected, and to give each other’s lives structure. We’ll get through this easily if we’re part of a team, and the accomplishments of our team give our lives purpose.

So get your money’s worth out of each day. Fill up your agenda with the good stuff. Love God, love your family and love your neighbor.

May the Lord keep his hand on you and your loved ones during these trying times.


Norton Lawellin, Worship Pastor
Jesus in the City Fellowship.
3249 30th Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55406