Monday, March 25, 2013

The Grass is Always Greener

Today we wrap up our 10 Commandments series with #10, "Do not covet…” Ex. 20

We are forbidden to desire and plan how we may obtain that which God has given to another. Now, the Bible says that with the Lord as our shepherd, we’ll have everything we “need.” We shall not be left wanting. But it does not say that we’ll be rich, or that we’ll have everything that we desire. Coveting is the cousin of jealousy, and we are told specifically to not desire our neighbor’s spouse. This goes right back to #7!

We’re also not to desire his workers, those who do such a nice job at his home and business. We’re not to desire his means of transportation. Your Civic will get you there just fine, even if your neighbor drives a Jaguar.

We need to be OK with our lot in life, so that we’re not constantly coveting other stuff. Being content with our situation puts coveting on the back burner. Don’t wait for boosted “self esteem,” where others pat you on the back and give you accolades. Instead, make your own “self worth,” where you do the right things for the right reasons - you’re OK with it, and God’s OK with it. If anyone else approves, fine, but you and God are already walking together on the high road, and you can be content with that.

Norton Lawellin

Celebrate Jesus’ Resurrection on Easter Sunday, March 31, 10:30am, with Jesus in the City Fellowship (JICF), in the North end of the Oliver Ministry Building, 27th Street & Bloomington Avenue, Minneapolis. We’ll look inside the empty tomb!


Monday, March 18, 2013

Truth or Consequences

As part of our 10 Commandments series, today we’ll visit #9 - "Do not bear false witness against your neighbor." Ex. 20

God doesn’t lie, and neither should you. Should you ever be called upon to testify in a court of law, you’ll be asked to place your hand on a Bible and to swear on God’s name that your testimony is true. This is not something to be taken lightly. You are using God’s good name to backup what you’re about to say. You’re putting God’s stamp of approval on your words. Don’t let Him down!

What comes out of your mouth should always be true – but – not everything that’s true needs to be said. Some things are best kept to yourself. Don’t use your words to dis somebody, to put somebody down. Leave gossip to the pagans. Use your words for kindness, or remain silent.

The concept extends into trustworthiness, honesty and truth. People of God should be known as people of good character; incorruptible.

Sidebar: Whenever I hear of another fallen TV preacher, or a scandal within a denomination, I want to scream, “Get off our side!” Unfortunately, the behavior of the fallen has discouraged many in their Christian walk, and has kept others in the agnostic abyss. Let me assure you that this is a problem with human failings, not a problem with God. God is still on the throne, and rescuing you is still #1 on Jesus’ agenda. The Bible says to not put your trust in man, who cannot save. But joyful are those who trust in the Lord. (from Ps. 146)

Next week: The grass is always greener…

Norton Lawellin

Celebrate Palm Sunday with us, March 24, 10:30am, Jesus in the City Fellowship (JICF), in the North end of the Oliver Ministry Building, 27th Street & Bloomington Avenue, Minneapolis. Dan Pilla recaps the Triumphal Entry.


Monday, March 11, 2013

God's Value System

We’re in the last portion of the 10 Commandments, and this week it’s #8 - "Do not steal." Ex. 20

This is one of those things that everyone already knows. A thief, by definition, exhibited behavior outside of society’s norms and God’s directions. But long before the judge sentenced them, I believe that each of them knew stealing was wrong. And even in prison, you don’t steal someone’s magazine, you don’t take someone’s pen, and you sure don’t grab their cigarettes. That kind of behavior could get you killed.

See? Everyone, even those on the wrong side of the law, already knows God’s value system. Stealing is wrong – God said so.

Next week: Truth or Consequences

Norton Lawellin

We’ll worship this Sunday, March 17, 10:30am, Jesus in the City Fellowship (JICF), in the North end of the Oliver Ministry Building, 27th Street & Bloomington Avenue, Minneapolis. This week we wrap up Luke Ch. 8.


Monday, March 4, 2013

Family Values - God's Master-plan

We’re in the last portion of the 10 Commandments, and this week it’s #7 - "Do not commit adultery." Ex. 20

God ordained marriage. When God saw that it was not good for Adam to be alone, he said, “I will make a helper who is just right for him.” Gen 2:18b And that perfect helper was Eve, sent from God. This model, God putting Eve together with Adam, is the way marriage is supposed to work. The Bible explains, “This is why a man leaves his father and mother and is joined to his wife, and the two are united into one.” Gen. 2:24 It’s God’s plan, all the way, and the closer we stick to God’s plan, the better He likes it!

Yes, adultery undermines a God-ordained union, but there’s much more at stake. In His command, God condemns all immoral and perverted sex, and takes a stand for family values. Sex outside of marriage is no good; it subverts God’s family value model. Promiscuity is no good. Pornography is no good. Sex for money is no good. Furthermore, being unkind to your spouse is no good, because your marriage is a sacred union put together after God’s model.

Next week: #8 “Do Not Steal.”

Norton Lawellin

We’ll worship this Sunday, March 10, 10:30am, Jesus in the City Fellowship (JICF), in the North end of the Oliver Ministry Building, 27th Street & Bloomington Avenue, Minneapolis. Dan Pilla continues our journey in Luke Ch. 8.