Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Health and Wellness!

For Tuesday, March 11, 2025:

Leviticus 13:1-2 NLT: The Lord said to Moses and Aaron, “If anyone has a swelling or a rash or discolored skin that might develop into a serious skin disease, that person must be brought to Aaron the priest or to one of his sons.”

Lacking antibiotics, leprosy was a serious problem in Moses’ day. It was not only a possible death sentence for the victim, but was thought to be highly contagious. So the priest was also tasked with having medical knowledge, determining the proper course when a skin disease was discovered.

So God charged spiritual community leaders with protecting their congregants. There is currently a measles outbreak in Texas and New Mexico. Apparently, it started in a Mennonite community, a religious group which isolates itself from society in general. We were all told that measles was eradicated in the US, but apparently what we heard was incorrect. Thankfully, so far only two people have died. Covid-19, a relatively new contagious disease about which we knew nothing, resulted in 1.1M deaths, peaking in October 2021. That’s how bad it can sometimes get. Seems like only yesterday!

Disease is Satan trying to throw a monkey wrench into God’s plans. Health and wellness are God’s plans. He’ll call believers home in his own good time, and not a moment sooner!

Pastor Norton Lawellin

Jesus In the City Fellowship

Monday, March 10, 2025


March 10, 2025, Monday Message:

Leviticus 12:7c NLT: “These are the instructions for a woman after the birth of a son or a daughter.”

Birthing can be messy. Moses’ people didn’t have doctors and hospitals like we do nowadays. The Bible doesn’t say, but I’ll bet they had midwives or doulas, people to assist with childbirth. Blood gets everywhere, and blood can carry diseases. Best to isolate the woman and her newborn until everything is cleaned up and healed. Also, the woman who gave birth is somewhat weakened and is susceptible to illness. And the baby is building natural immunity from the mother. Therefore isolation protects the mother and the baby until they have their feet on the ground.

The good news is that God anticipates, even expects childbirth! All God’s creations were told to go forth and multiply, and that never ended. Despite slavery, Egypt, Pharaoh and one heck of a desert trek, God still planned for his people to increase.

Celebrate newborns in your family and in your church community!

Pastor Norton Lawellin

Jesus In the City Fellowship

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Clean vs Unclean!

For Sunday, March 9, 2025:

Leviticus 11:1, 2b NLT: Then the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, “Of all the land animals, these are the ones you may use for food.”

In this chapter, God defines the land animals, birds and fish suitable for food. God must have known this was coming when he designed the animals. Any animal with completely split hooves and chews the cud is good for food. Jews call this “kosher.’ Other animals were considered unclean. Birds are OK, but not those who clean up dead carcasses, like vultures. Fish are good, but not the bottom-feeders that keep the water clean. Vultures and bottom-feeders eat garbage, so they are garbage!

Back then, no one had refrigerators to keep food fresh or stoves to fully cook the meat. There were no professional meat inspectors. So God instituted these rules to protect his people, to keep them safe and alive. Once again God was watching out for his people, protecting them, even when they didn’t yet understand the need.

In the New Covenant, Jesus declares us clean or unclean not by what goes into our bodies, but by what comes out of our mouths!

Pastor Norton Lawellin

Jesus In the City Fellowship